The Best Practices Registry identifies, reviews and disseminates information about best practices related to the National Strategy for Suicide Prevention. This collaborative effort of the Suicide Prevention Resource Center, the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention and SAMHSA includes a comprehensive program list in a searchable database.
For Best Practice programs reated to suicide Prevention: follow this link: to Apply to be on the Best Practice Registry List:
The Best Practice Registry (BPR) list of the Suicide Prevention Resource Center
Statement about how to apply to be on the Best Practices Registry list
The 1386 Implementation Workgroup has decided that there should be acoordinated message coming from all workgroup members, the Texas Education Agency and the Texas Department of State Health Services that would read:
- Thank you for your interest in being on our Texas state list of Suicide Prevention Programs. Currently we have the following criteria for submission to be on the list:
- If you are a Vendor: Please follow the guidelines on the Suicide Prevention Resource Centers Best Practice Registry or Adherence to Standards to be on the list. Once you have the Best Practice Registry (BPR) designation of I or III from SPRC then we will gladly put your product/ program on the Texas list. To apply please follow the directions on Specific instructions are located at: Suicide Best Practice Registry of the Suicide Prevention Resource Center’s screen page example is shown below.
- If you are a school or school district that has developed your own suicide prevention program then please bear with us as we develop the standards for applying and being listed on our statewide best practice-based list.
- If you are a Vendor: Please follow the guidelines on the Suicide Prevention Resource Centers Best Practice Registry or Adherence to Standards to be on the list. Once you have the Best Practice Registry (BPR) designation of I or III from SPRC then we will gladly put your product/ program on the Texas list. To apply please follow the directions on Specific instructions are located at: Suicide Best Practice Registry of the Suicide Prevention Resource Center’s screen page example is shown below.