Texas Suicide Prevention Council has moved to an all new interactive based e-learning platform available here.
Our legacy video training series “Suicide Prevention Gatekeeper”, while still available to view since it’s a great reference is no longer part of our certification process. If you wish to view these videos, please visit our YouTube channel here.
In addition to the 5 part training series linked to above, we also offer a series of nine videos (each about three minutes with a Discussion Guide) called: “Stories of Hope and Help.“
C-SSRS Training- English
(Note: requires a desktop and flash installed)

In-Person Training
Trainers for ASK about Suicide to Save a Life workshops are available statewide and may be in your community. For more information about our 1-1/2 to 4 hour workshops contact us please use our contact form by clicking here.
Trainers for ASK about Suicide to Save a Life workshops are available statewide and may be in your community. For more information about our 1-1/2 to 4 hour workshops contact us at admin@texassuicideprevention.org.
Where available, Texas Suicide Prevention offers in-person training solutions for your organization in areas where certified trainers are available. Find a list of these training resources and instructions on requesting this training here.

Making Connections
Making Connections: Suicide Prevention Through Movement.
This 2 hour training is available through a limited number of volunteer Texas trainers. Please contact admin@texassuicideprevention.org for more information.